The Popularity of Hot Pot Across China
Because of the challenging and often extreme climate conditions throughout China, food has historically served a critical role in fortifying the human body to withstand the conditions. Sichuan province is renowned for two things, firstly the discovery of the Panda, that is regarded as a Chinese national treasure. The other thing, no less important, that is associated with this area is Hot Pot.
Hot Pot can perhaps best be described to the uninitiated as is a soup with variety of food ingredients that mingle and play off one another both within the broth itself and in the timing of each ingredient’s introduction to the pot. It has become extremely popular across China with its strong social element as well as endless possibilities for taste and an altogether easy to prepare method. Perhaps if there is one culinary indulgence that can overcome all the regional taste barriers, and by its inherent flexibility be acceptable in all regions of China, it is Hot Pot. Hot Pot is regarded as a fun party food for friends but it is also a traditional setting for family occasions. Why is Hot Pot getting so popular in China today? The reason is simple. There is nothing better, more adaptable or indeed more rewarding for 10 mins preparation time. It is especially satisfying in the winter season but Hot Pot can be enjoyed in any weather, even during the summer months where hungry friends often gather outside or in air conditioned homes. Everyone sits around the table, with the Hot Pot set in the middle, it holds this space and serves as a conduit of exchange that brings to the fore a social yet particular Joy that has always been a decisive aspect of Chinese food culture.
Preparing Hot Pot only takes 10 minutes. Firstly you will need to place a pot with some boiling water on a hob that will keep the water boiling while various ingredients are added over time. Secondly, you can add some Hot Pot sauce to the boiling water and stir until it dissolves thoroughly. Finally, you can begin in earnest and add the ingredients you like such as meatballs, cabbage, potatoes, sweet potato noodles, mushroom or tofu. In fact, the list of possibilities is rather extensive! At this point you can replace the cover and adjust the heat level according to the preference and taste. The magic of Hot Pot can be found in the Hot Pot sauce and below are three signature Hot Pot selections from Asia Market online store.
No.1 Little Sheep Hot Pot Seasoning Mix (Spicy Soup) 小肥羊辣汤火锅底料
Little Sheep is one of the most featured Hot Pot brands in China since 1999. It provides a traditional Sichuan spicy taste, while containing a strong umami flavour. This soup base provides an enriching dense flavour which can be used alone or as a broth base for making Hot Pot. If you are trying this for the first time, add the seasoning mix gradually to suit your taste.
No.2 Little Sheep Hot Pot Seasoning Mix (Clear Soup) 小肥羊清汤火锅底料
For those who don’t like spice, this clear soup seasoning provides a non spicy soup base. It delivers a sumptuous and indulgent umami taste. The soup begins as a pale broth with Chinese herbs, goji berries, cloves and garlic added to make a darker and richer soup. You can also add in marbled beef slices, squid, cod, and tofu. Some Chinese vegetables can also be added at this point like winter melon, black fungus and lotus roots. The Chinese also like to add dumplings or noodles at the end of the Hot Pot to soak up all the flavour of the soup.
No.3 HDL Tomato Flavour Hot Pot Seasoning 海底捞番茄火锅底料
While the above two Hot Pot bases are the most common, there are many other flavours such as tomato Hot Pot base that provides a unique taste experience combining roasted tomatoes with the aroma of garlic and basil.
No.4 Necessary Equipment A Pot for Hot Pot 电动火锅用锅
To begin a Hot Pot you will need an electric hot pot which you can purchase online at: It is very important to be able to quickly and evenly control the heat from the burner and to manipulate the merging flavours. This Special electric hot pot provides a divider in the middle to create two separate compartments for different soup bases. In many Chinese restaurants people use this type of pot to enjoy both spicy and non spicy Hot Pot at the same time!