Top 5 Healthy Foods in Asia Market
Start your new year with these healthy Asian food products brought to you by Asia Market.
We have chosen our top 5 and highlight their benefits just for you!
As they say, you are what you eat and if you have a healthy body, you will have a healthy mind.
1. Miso Soup
In the Japanese language, Miso means fermented beans. Many Japanese people start their day in a traditional way with a bowl of miso soup. It is also very popular with working professionals in various regions throughout Asia and its reputation is enhanced by its ease of preparation. By simply dissolving some miso paste into a bowl of hot water and adding tofu, seaweed or scallions, the distinctive and popular bean taste provides a perfect compliment. The characteristic flavour referred to as umarmi, or the fifth taste.
Healthy Highlights:
·Miso is a great source of bean protein and rich in minerals and vitamins, like copper, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin K, & B2.
·The health benefits of miso are extensive and include cancer fighting properties, protection against gastric ulcers, relief from chronic fatigue as well as the lowering of blood
·Due to the high sodium content, daily intake of miso should not exceed 1200 mg.
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2. Matcha Green Tea Powder
Our Matcha Green Tea powder is made in the traditional Japanese style. It is commonly used in both baking and cooking, and the subtle green tea taste adds a depth and sophistication to any culinary creation. Matcha green tea powder has an emerald colour while the compelling taste is disarmingly smooth with hints of that natural leafy freshness.
Healthy Highlights:
·In Asian many cultures, beauty is traditionally considered to emanate from the inside outward, and so adding the powerful
antioxidant properties of green tea powder or matcha powder to desserts, snacks or yoghurts is regarded as a powerful and
traditional method of replenishing the bodies vital resources on a daily basis.
·Boost metabolism and burns calories.
·Rich in filers and vitamins.
·Calms and relaxes the body and mind.
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3. Korean Samgyetang Soup Kit
In many Asian countries people traditionally believe that soup is most effective and nourishing during the autumn and winter seasons as the body naturally requires extra nutrients and resources to get through the colder weather. Korean Samgyetang soup has a remarkable nutritious rich character which is traditionally complimented with a soup base of chicken, chestnuts, goji berries, jujube and Korean date, for its impressive nutritional qualities and medicinal benefits. The soup is served all year round to replenish lost energy, flu symptoms, improve immune system function and relieve tiredness. Asia Market has a special Korean Samgyetang ingredients kit that contains a collection of all the necessary ingredients to make your own tasty soup at home.
Healthy Highlights:
·Replenish lost energy
·Fight away fly symptoms
·Improve immune system
·Relieve tiredness
·Improved ability to cope with stress
·Hair recovery and growth
·Healthy skin
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4. Tonic Soup for Chicken
It is not a revelation to find that most traditional Chinese soups are made from clear broth without dairy content. In fact, the remarkable nutritious value that is a characteristic of many traditional Chinese soups is in the soup stock itself. Chicken Soup is a very common recipe in China that has spread throughout the world. This soup stock consists of several functional and natural ingredients such as dried lotus seeds, dried fox nut, Chinese yam, wolfberry and longan. The soup stock needs time to simmer with the chicken meat at a low temperature to dissimilate the tender flavours of the meat while pork is also a popular choice. Generally a period of 3-4 hours is perfect to impart the best flavour. If you want to add even more energising vitality to the soup, why not add some sliced ginger or garlic at the beginning.
Healthy Highlights:
·Prevents colds and boosts the immune system
·Lowers blood pressure
·Boosts energy
·Improves stomach functions and stimulates the appetite
·Enhances the functioning of the lungs and respiratory tract
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5. Black Rice
This striking purplish appearance of black rice can be rather surprising at first sight. While most rice is found to be somewhere between different shades of pale white and ochre, it should be noted that the nutritional value of the rice can often be reflected in its appearance. Black rice originates in China, where many people also describe it as forbidden rice. In ancient times it was served to the emperor due to its lavish appearance and remarkable nutritional character. It is glutinous rice, with a soft delicate and compelling texture. While the colour turns to purple while cooking many people like to make porridge with black rice. If you like to try something different, and appreciate the distinct flavours and versatile nature of rice, why not try this for your dinner and even dessert.
Healthy Highlights:
·Naturally Gluten Free grain and excellent for those with a gluten sensitivity
·A rich source of Vitamin E and antioxidants
·Helps to detoxify the body and protect cardiac health
·An excellent source of fibres
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