
California Sushi Roll Ingredients

A classic and crowd-pleasing sushi roll, the California Roll is a delightful combination of fresh ingredients wrapped in nori seaweed. This recipe uses high-quality ingredients sourced from local Asia markets, ensuring an authentic and delicious experience.

With our easy-to-follow instructions, you'll be rolling up perfect California rolls in no time. Whether you're a seasoned sushi maker or a beginner, this bundle has everything you need to create a memorable meal.

产品名称 数量
日本Shinode 日出 寿司米 1kg
SHINODE Japanese Sushi Rice 10kg日本日出 寿司米
日本寿司竹卷 200g
AMOY - White Rice Vinegar 500ml 淘大 - 白米醋
Siucra Sugar 袋装白砂糖 1kg
AMOY 淘大 - 白米醋 150ml
SATAKE SEKI日本 寿司厨师 蔬菜刀 16cm
YAMAMOTOYAMA 日本 山本山 绿色寿司紫菜(不含麸质) (50张) 125g
SANFENG - Roasted White Sesame Seeds 三丰香油 - 烤白芝麻 130g
SANFENG - Roasted Black Sesame Seeds 三丰香油 - 烤黑芝麻 130g
EDO JAPAN 江户日本 - 陶瓷寿司套装, 两人 (6件)
New Kewpie Mayonnaise 500g
Pearl River Bridge - Rice Vinegar 米醋 500ml
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