Healthy Boy Oyster Sauce 700ml
Healthy Boy Oyster Sauce is prepared using oyster extract from the finest oysters. Its all-purpose seasoning ability can uplift the umami taste of meat and vegetables. It is useful as marinade and seasoning for stir-fries and condiment. The well known broccoli beef, stir-fried noodles and many famous Chinese restaurant dishes make use of this sauce.
Healthy Boy Oyster Sauce is prepared using oyster extract from the finest oysters. Its all-purpose seasoning ability can uplift the umami taste of meat and vegetables. It is useful as marinade and seasoning for stir-fries and condiment. The well known broccoli beef, stir-fried noodles and many famous Chinese restaurant dishes make use of this sauce.
SKU | 8850206117512 |
Allergens | Oyster, Fish |
Carbohydrate | 36.8 |
Country Of Origin | Thailand |
Energy | 644 |
Fat | 0 |
ingredients | Water 54.85%, Sugar 16%, Salt 12%, Fructose Syrup 10%, Thickener: Modified Starch (INS 1442) 4%, Food Acid: Citric Acid (INS 330) 1%, Flavour Enhancers: Monosodium Glutamate (INS 621) 1%, Fish Extract 0.45%, Color (INS 150c) 0.3%, Oyster Extract 0.1%, Stabilizer: Xanthan Gum (INS 415) 0.1%, Natural Identical Flavour 0.1%, Preservative: Sodium Benzoate (INS 211) 0.1% |
Brand | Healthy Boy |
Nutrition per | Per 100g |
Protein | 1.9 |
Salt | 17 |
Weight / Size | 700ml |
Product Overview | Healthy Boy Oyster Sauce is prepared using oyster extract from the finest oysters. Its all-purpose seasoning ability can uplift the umami taste of meat and vegetables. It is useful as marinade and seasoning for stir-fries and condiment. The well known broccoli beef, stir-fried noodles and many famous Chinese restaurant dishes make use of this sauce. |