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Fanta Green 325ml
Green Fanta 325ml is an imported soda from Thailand available in cans. This popular soda drink features a mix of fruit flavours including banana, orange, apple and pineapple. Known as Thai Fanta, this drink features neon green colour. Also, the flavour of this carbonated soda drink is often likened somewhat to bubblegums.
SKU | 8851959132180 |
Allergens | For Allergens, see ingredients in bold. |
Carbohydrate | 15g |
Country Of Origin | Thailand |
Energy | 255kJ/60kcal |
Fat | 0g |
ingredients | Water 83.976%, Sugar 14%, Acidity Regulator E330, Preservative E211, Colour E102, E143 |
Nutrition per | 100g |
Protein | 0g |
Salt | 0g |
Weight / Size | 325ml |
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